Focus: The 2025 New Moon in Pisces arrives at a time of deep uncertainty, both personally and collectively. With the Sun and Moon meeting in the first decan of Pisces, a place of inspiration and boundless potential, there’s a strong pull toward surrendering to the flow. But this lunation is anything but smooth. A tight square to Jupiter, its ruler, in Gemini forces a confrontation: Are we getting swept away in illusions, or are we finally learning to see the truth through multiple perspectives? This is a paradoxical moment that heightens the contradictions on the world stage and in our lives, we can ALL see the fish in the percolator right now. A moment of faith and discernment, of strategy and surrender. Where we direct our focus now will determine whether we get lost in the fog or use it to our advantage.

The Weight of Jupiter’s Square: Expansion or Overwhelm?
Squares force action through tension, and Jupiter’s presence makes things big. This could be an explosion of ideas, an overwhelming flood of possibilities, or an expansion of deception. In traditional astrology, Jupiter is in his detriment in Gemini, as I wrote in this post, and he is unable to extend his stable, grand vision. Instead, we’re caught in an ever-shifting web of information, opinions, and overwrought narratives where certainty is hard to find. With the Moon’s next aspect being an overcoming square to Jupiter this chaotic energy is driving the lunation forward. The outcome will likely show good and bad, it will help us see broader truths, but it will also distract us with too many conflicting signals.
On a personal level, this square challenges us to refine our desires and commit to a choice that will bring obligations with it. Pisces is caught in dreamlike inspiration, while Jupiter in Gemini bombards us with choices and too many options, too many opinions on what is best. Are we scattering our energy chasing every possibility, or are we filtering through the noise to find what truly matters? In a time of information overload clarity is power. Use Saturn’s Scythe. Cut. it. Down. to. Size. Into what you can parce, until only what is *necessary* is left of the idea, then you have the refinement. Moving forward, strategy is key.

Neptune’s Endgame: Enlightenment or Deception?
Neptune is reaching the final degrees of Pisces, and the dream is becoming harder to separate from reality. There is a Lynchian surrealism to the worldstage right now, as nations act as if possessed by unguessable intentions. Historically, Neptune’s transits through Pisces have been times of spiritual awakening but also deep delusion. Think of how detective Dale Cooper in David Lynch’s show Twin Peaks had to approach his case, alot of his clues were useful but not necessarily connected, he had to sort through *intuitively*. As Neptune nears Aries, we have to ask if we’re heading toward deeper confusion?
On a global scale, we see increasing submission to larger-than-life figures—celebrities, billionaires, political strongmen—while ordinary people struggle to discern what’s real. This is the danger of unchecked Neptune: the mass surrender of individual power to something that feels bigger than us, an erosion of the boundaries that protected ordinary people and allowed us to have decent lives. But Pisces, at its best, teaches us that meaning is not something to be handed down from our “betters”, it’s something we create for *ourselves*. The North Node’s arrival in Pisces signals a collective hunger for personal meaning and thus spirituality, a call to reconnect with something deeper than the chaos around us, to turn *inwards* and give ourselves attention.
Saturn & Mercury in Pisces: The Power of Words
Saturn and Mercury sit in the third decan of Pisces where meaning dissolves into silence. And with Mercury here our words are sinking deeper than we realize. This is a lunation where what you say, write, and believe will shape how the dream plays out even more than usual; commitment to intention is important. Lies will have long-lasting consequences as we navigate this period of three separate retrogrades (don’t forget, mercury will go retrograde soon!) Truths once spoken will echo. Saturn demands responsibility, if we don’t take control of our own narrative someone else will.
Mercury is fallen in Pisces, meaning that clear thinking can fall victim to fog and delusion right now. Misinformation spreads and assumptions solidify. But Saturn provides an anchor, demanding that we take what we say seriously and define the truths we stand on.This is a time for careful communication, not careless projection. If you’re struggling to see through the fog, focus on what has weight and gravity. What is real enough to hold onto? What is only a mirage?

A Time of Uncertainty: Strategy Over Panic
No one really knows what’s happening in the world right now. Governments are in chaotic flux, economic systems are unstable, and marginalized communities face increasing precarity. The future is uncertain, however, this lunation can help us realize that uncertainty isn’t the same as powerlessness.
Saturn’s presence shows that strategy is necessary. Planning, clarity, and well-placed boundaries will be the difference between those who drift aimlessly and those who move forward with purpose. Jupiter’s square, for all its chaos, also offers expansion if we can sift through the noise. This isn’t a time to let go completely. It’s a time to discern what’s worth holding onto, to grasp the future lightly, allowing a dialogue with our world which we may feel is sorely lacking; a moment of realizing the co-creation we can step into with this living universe.

The North Node’s Call: Reclaiming Meaning
The North Node in Pisces signals a growing collective need for meaning. As societal structures weaken and old narratives fall apart, what we believe becomes more important than ever. But right now, there is nothing to take its place. Some try to bring the past back in an act of necromancy… others wonder what is left to believe in and let the whims of tyrants dictate their happiness, their lack of meaning. There is a vacuum of meaning in the world right now. We are asked to begin to develop our own meaning on an individual basis in a way that humanity has not before. This is a moment to reclaim personal spirituality—not in a passive, escapist way, but as an active engagement with the world, that draws meaning from within and without.
We have to recognize the binding power of story, the necessity of dreams and looking to the future, and the importance of inner truth. In an era where unity is dissolving, we must choose to reconnect with ourselves and humanity. Not through blind faith, but through conscious participation in shaping what comes next, in careful consideration of each person and each moment.

Actionable Insights for This New Moon
- Filter Through the Noise: Jupiter’s square is loud, but not everything it brings is valuable. Focus on what actually expands your understanding.
- Choose Your Words Wisely: What you express now carries weight. Be intentional with your speech, your writing, and the narratives you engage with(More retrogrades ahead!)
- Don’t Chase Every Possibility: Pisces opens doors, but not all of them lead somewhere worthwhile. Strategy matters. Move with purpose and sense.
- Stay Grounded in Meaning: With Neptune’s influence strong, it’s easy to lose yourself in illusions and deceptions. Reconnect with what truly resonates, rather than what simply feels good in the moment. Allow for exploration of meaning.
- Prepare for the Long Game: Saturn reminds us that real dreams take time. Don’t expect instant results. Instead, lay the groundwork for lasting change. Strategize and prepare.
Final Thoughts
This New Moon in Pisces is a test of faith, strategy, and discernment. The world is shifting, and the fog is thick as the world is remade before us, but that doesn’t mean we have to be lost. Pisces teaches us that surrender isn’t about giving up; it’s about letting go of what doesn’t serve us so we can fully embrace what does. With careful strategy and clear discernment, we can navigate this moment with wisdom rather than confusion, opening a door to a greater sense of meaning and new possibilities in our lives. Sow carefully and with space for intuitive improvisations. In time, the mist will clear, and what we’ve planted will shape the path ahead.